Thursday, November 7, 2013

"The Third Wheel''

Yeah… we all know being the third wheel sucks! 

Sometimes you unexpectedly become the third wheel, and that's even worse because you haven't planned on how you're going to handle it. 

A few of my friends and I planned on going out on the night of Halloween.  I was looking forward to partying the night away, and having a blast with some of my closest friends. Things slowly started going the opposite way; for me at least. When we entered the club we all were supposed be apart of "VIP" because we had connections with one of the promoters.  The promoter ends up ditching us along with my other friend.  So I'm left with the two people who happen to have a crush on each other. 

At this point I knew, I just became the third wheel. The promoter and our friend went to the 2nd floor which was $100 to get in.  There was no way they were coming back down, or that we were going up there.  

So I'm left with my friend and his new 'crush,' who by the way were already all over each other.  I knew they had a thing for one another, so I wasn't trying to get in between.  I'm at a club where there is tons of people, I'm dressed up as a Chola, and I stick out like a sore thumb. I am literally standing in the middle of the dance floor.  I was getting knocked into, and pushed around.  I decided to make  my way out of my crowd, and I stood on the side. I didn't know what to do with myself. I took my phone out and started texting, and going on social media networks. Then I thought "what a looser I look like right now." Who goes on Facebook or Instagram in a club?  So, I put my phone away, and went back on the dance floor.  If I'm going to be alone then I'm going to make the best of it.

I danced with everyone who wanted to dance with me. I figured, what the hell.  I was shocked when a girl gently took my hand to dance. I had a bunch of thoughts running through my head. "I hope she doesn't think that I'm a lesbian. / Well, I don't care. / Then again I am dressed like a female version of Tupac. / This is okay, she can dance. / At least this isn't a creepy guy."  Then two guys come brake us up; of course! The guy I got stuck dancing with was double-fisting drinks, and they were spilling on the back of my shirt. Good thing I had a long sleeve flannel on, that was apart of my costume. He even told me to 'hold his drink.' I gave him that look, and got rid of him. Bye!

I ended up having an OK time. I wish I was more prepared and I wish I had a better time, especially since Halloween is my favorite holiday. Getting a lot of good compliments on my costume was probably the highlight of the night. There's always next year!