Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sometimes you have just have to say "F**K my pride"

"When is he going to call me?"
"Why hasn't he called me yet?"
"Maybe he's mad… I'll give him time to cool off."  
"Oh my God, its been all day and still no word! I'm not calling him first." 

- These may be some of the thoughts running through a females head, when her boyfriend hasn't spoken to her since they've had an argument.  

"I think she's mad at me, maybe she'll come around."
"Wow, no word from her all day…"
"I'm not calling her first."
"I don't know what's going on but I'm not giving in." 

- Those may be some of the thoughts running through a males head, when his girlfriend hasn't spoken to him since they've had an argument. 

It seems when couples argue it becomes a game of who can ignore each other the longest. If the girl doesn't call the guy then the guy doesn't call the girl and vice versa. If you're not gonna call, I'm not gonna call type of thing. 

That's not the point! The answer is to call. It doesn't matter who calls who first. Ignoring each other doesn't solve anything, neither does playing games.  Your mind is going to tell you not to call but your heart is going to beg you to! It's okay to give-in in these types of situations. You never know what tomorrow holds, never hesitate to talk it through with the one you love. Trust me it's worth it.

- And this doesn't just go for girlfriends and boyfriends, it goes for family and friends too!

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