Monday, April 4, 2016

Rihanna ANTI World Tour Review

March 30, 2016 

Rihanna ANTI World Tour at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY. 

Missed the opening act - Travis Scott and missed some of the opening performance. But from what I did get to experience it was a pretty good show. 

The stage set up was appealing. It was a white stage, with abstract prop's and lighting. There was something that looked like a worm on stage, that would change colors. She also had foam falling from downstage which gave the look of clouds. 

Rihanna's band was fantastic. Her guitarist had the best guitar solo I've ever witnessed. She did make a joke about her band that I hope was truly just a joke. She said, "thank God they all can play instrument's because they ugly as shit." Funny? Kinda. 

Rihanna is the kind of performer that doesn't go "all out."
She's more of a minimal kind of performer. 
We all know Riri can sing and dance, but she doesn't do it all at the same time throughout her performance. 

Throughout the show she would stop to dance and stop dancing to sing. Back and forth. She always had the mic in her hand. She doesn't go hard hitting on the moves. She's just goes with it. 

Hey, maybe she just doesn't like to dance too much. 
There wasn't choreography for every song which allowed her to focus more on the singing.

Riri was in her own zone and danced freely to the beat. Her songs are all so different. She has her party  tracks, then she has her urban tracks, rock tracks, r&b tracks, etc. etc.  

She gave a nice shout out to Brooklyn and shared how her grandfather was at the show that evening. He used to live in Brooklyn and always shopped at Kings Plaza. The crowd cheered with appreciation.  

Rihanna is a versatile artist and she keeps pushing the envelope. 
I had a great time watching this show. Riri has an amazing team with lot's of talent. She also seems like a fun person to just hang out with. Free spirited and doesn't give a damn. 

And might I add, her outfits were on point! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

"The Third Wheel''

Yeah… we all know being the third wheel sucks! 

Sometimes you unexpectedly become the third wheel, and that's even worse because you haven't planned on how you're going to handle it. 

A few of my friends and I planned on going out on the night of Halloween.  I was looking forward to partying the night away, and having a blast with some of my closest friends. Things slowly started going the opposite way; for me at least. When we entered the club we all were supposed be apart of "VIP" because we had connections with one of the promoters.  The promoter ends up ditching us along with my other friend.  So I'm left with the two people who happen to have a crush on each other. 

At this point I knew, I just became the third wheel. The promoter and our friend went to the 2nd floor which was $100 to get in.  There was no way they were coming back down, or that we were going up there.  

So I'm left with my friend and his new 'crush,' who by the way were already all over each other.  I knew they had a thing for one another, so I wasn't trying to get in between.  I'm at a club where there is tons of people, I'm dressed up as a Chola, and I stick out like a sore thumb. I am literally standing in the middle of the dance floor.  I was getting knocked into, and pushed around.  I decided to make  my way out of my crowd, and I stood on the side. I didn't know what to do with myself. I took my phone out and started texting, and going on social media networks. Then I thought "what a looser I look like right now." Who goes on Facebook or Instagram in a club?  So, I put my phone away, and went back on the dance floor.  If I'm going to be alone then I'm going to make the best of it.

I danced with everyone who wanted to dance with me. I figured, what the hell.  I was shocked when a girl gently took my hand to dance. I had a bunch of thoughts running through my head. "I hope she doesn't think that I'm a lesbian. / Well, I don't care. / Then again I am dressed like a female version of Tupac. / This is okay, she can dance. / At least this isn't a creepy guy."  Then two guys come brake us up; of course! The guy I got stuck dancing with was double-fisting drinks, and they were spilling on the back of my shirt. Good thing I had a long sleeve flannel on, that was apart of my costume. He even told me to 'hold his drink.' I gave him that look, and got rid of him. Bye!

I ended up having an OK time. I wish I was more prepared and I wish I had a better time, especially since Halloween is my favorite holiday. Getting a lot of good compliments on my costume was probably the highlight of the night. There's always next year! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

My experience at the Puerto Rican Day Parade 2013

Sunday June 9th, the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade 2013 took place on Manhattan's 5th Avenue. I went for the very 1st time.  It was an exciting day in New York City. There was millions of people with their Puerto Rican flags waving proudly. Everyone from babies to seniors were dressed up representing the colors of the flag, some wrapped the flag around their bodies. Some even went all out and painted the flag on their faces.

During the parade, I felt so happy to be apart of a place were individuals have so much passion for their heritage. The theme this year was "Salud: Celebrating your health"  There was singing, dancing, (lots of dancing), car show, mini BMX show, Bar Brothers, marching bands, and of course a few celebrities and politicians were apart of the parade as well.  There were also many floats, and sponsors such has, Coca'Cola, and a few radio stations such has, 92.3NOW, and 97.9MEGA.  Along with my sister, we got to see it all front row!  All of us were celebrating our culture, and learning more about ourselves. There was a moment that got me teary eyed; listening to the crowd sing along to "Boricua yo soy, boricua para siempre." In that instant I felt a sense of unison and joy. It touched me entirely. 

The parade was fun and entertaining.  In other words it was action-packed! I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute of it.  I didn't see any fights or arguments.  Everyone was calm, and enjoying themselves. Although I did hear about a few fights from others, which was disappointing.  That is the main reason why my family does not like to attend. I don't think it's the Parade's fault that some people just don't know how to act.  The people who were in the parade worked hard to give us a good show, and make us cheer.  It's not fair that others would take that away by starting fights; and there is no need for it.  It gives us a bad reputation, and makes it dangerous for everyone. Boricua's why fight each other if this is the day we are suppose to be united

I am proud to be Latina, and I love my heritage. I wouldn't change it for anything. I would recommend everyone to go see the Puerto Rican Day Parade, because it truly is a beautiful parade that celebrates ethic culture. I am glad I went this year.  I would absolutely go again.

Check out this video if you're Boricua you will love it. :)  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Marques Toliver

So, this past week I was musically introduced to singer-songwriter Marques Toliver.  I looked him up on You Tube,  saw a few of his videos, and thought to myself "this is music; this is raw talent." Toliver has a sound that is fresh and beautiful. He has a soulful voice, that kinda reminds me of John Legend. One of the instruments he plays is the violin, and that sound mixed with his vocals draws you in.  I am falling in love with Toliver's music, and I am glad to find a new up and coming artist that is staying true to his style.  Some of my favorites by Toliver are "Magic Look", "Control", and "Deep In My Heart."  To sum him up in one word wouldn't be fair because he is that good.  All I can say is this guy has loads of talent, and you need to listen to his music!
Check out the link below!  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tijon "White Noise" Review

Enter Tijon’s world with his new mix-tape White Noise EP. 

White Noise is like nothing else out there right now in hip-hop.  Tijon gets your attention right away with the first track “Pulse.” You can feel his passion for his music through his deep lyrics. 

This project includes 8 tracks and is about 32 minutes in length. In every minute Tijon brings you realness. He tells us lyrically to live life, to be on the grind without letting anyone hold you back. At the end of the track “Wolf” someone says “music ain’t got no soul anymore...” and then you get hit with a soulful sound by the track “Get Back.” It gives us a taste of how music used to be and how it has changed. 

The production on this project incorporates an alternative/indie sound. It is a tranquil listen and one you can definitely vibe to. It is cleverly put together and truly one of a kind. Mixing in some of the old school with the new. Adding in well known samples, combined with Tijon’s flow. Each track falls into another almost like a book, each song is a chapter. 

One of the tracks that really got my attention was “Black Caddy, Dark Shades.”  The instrumental “Im God” by Clams Casino with Lil B really won me over, along with the catchy lyrics. The sample of Imogen Heap used in the beat just adds on to how remarkable this track is. The song has to be one of my favorites’ on the EP along with other tracks. Being a huge fan of Aaliyah, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the sample of her song “Rock The Boat” in the last track “House of Blues.” 

White Noise makes me look forward to upcoming and future projects. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sometimes you have just have to say "F**K my pride"

"When is he going to call me?"
"Why hasn't he called me yet?"
"Maybe he's mad… I'll give him time to cool off."  
"Oh my God, its been all day and still no word! I'm not calling him first." 

- These may be some of the thoughts running through a females head, when her boyfriend hasn't spoken to her since they've had an argument.  

"I think she's mad at me, maybe she'll come around."
"Wow, no word from her all day…"
"I'm not calling her first."
"I don't know what's going on but I'm not giving in." 

- Those may be some of the thoughts running through a males head, when his girlfriend hasn't spoken to him since they've had an argument. 

It seems when couples argue it becomes a game of who can ignore each other the longest. If the girl doesn't call the guy then the guy doesn't call the girl and vice versa. If you're not gonna call, I'm not gonna call type of thing. 

That's not the point! The answer is to call. It doesn't matter who calls who first. Ignoring each other doesn't solve anything, neither does playing games.  Your mind is going to tell you not to call but your heart is going to beg you to! It's okay to give-in in these types of situations. You never know what tomorrow holds, never hesitate to talk it through with the one you love. Trust me it's worth it.

- And this doesn't just go for girlfriends and boyfriends, it goes for family and friends too!